Monday, May 29, 2006


it was a rainy day yesterday. since morning when i went to battle with my team mates. bugger. the fields of battle were pretty darn muddy. my shoes were uttelrly destroyed and the spirit was dampened. needless to say, my shooting wasnt up to average. at least it was a learning experience and i did have fun. both shooting and spending time with friends. besides, i did learn a lot of things. like ken watching teen titans. omg. and hunkering down under cheapo umbrellas in the mud. at least some peeps won stuff. congrats! haha. and lucky dylan. loll. i must train harder especially my fitness so that i'll perform better at inter schools. whee.

and thanks bunches annalyn for helping me with this template! well, hope yur having fun at bintan. lol. and thanks xagor for helping me with the source code so that i could use it on firefox! haha.

oh yea. i still have that bottle of red bull. hehs. sorry dylan.

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